
God’s timing often looks different than ours. And through unforeseen circumstances, God surprised his people with a hidden gem. This expresses the back story of Árbol de Vida.

For Phil and Durley Hogan (Co-Founders), the longing for ministry began in the mid 70’s when they lived, worked, and farmed in Costa Rica. 36 years later, through God’s divine plan, Lou Richie (Co-Founder) came to their front door and shared the dream God laid on his heart. Out of this meeting, Árbol de Vida was born. 

El Señor proveyó los fondos para comprar la propiedad sin deudas en 2005. El objetivo original era permitir que las iglesias estadounidenses sirvieran en Costa Rica y asistieran a tantas comunidades como pudieran. Desde entonces, más de 30 equipos de corto plazo han probado la bondad del Señor a través de proyectos de trabajo, tanto en Costa Rica como en Nicaragua.

Located in beautiful Guanacaste, Costa Rica, this lush 94-acre property at the base of the Miravalles Volcano, is gradually being developed. Because of Covid, 2020 brought uncertainty as to the future of the property. But the Lord was faithfully preparing hearts for a new season of ministry.

God brought the Gortmaker family to join the Árbol de Vida team in 2021. Already serving locally as missionaries in a similar capacity, they knew the Lord was stirring a fresh vision with those who had planted the first seeds.

Hoy, Árbol de Vida es una oportunidad—una oportunidad para discipular a los creyentes para que sigan a Jesús completamente. La visión, ser un campamento cristiano y un centro ministerial próspero, es equipar a las iglesias y comunidades locales con los recursos necesarios para discipular a su gente. A través de campamentos, retiros, clases, proyectos de servicio y más, muchos crecerán para dar mucho fruto para la gloria de Dios.

Ven a ver lo que Dios ha hecho y está haciendo en Costa Rica...